Want gorgeous skin? 5 herbal teas you need to know!

Smiling woman holding tea mug looking out window

Sometimes, looking after your skin can seem like a full-time job.

But did you know that you can support clear, healthy happy skin with just a cup of herbal tea every day?

Herbal teas are a great and delicious addition to your diet. They are an easy way to keep you and your skin hydrated, and can be enjoyed either hot or cold depending on the weather. Each one has different health benefits to offer, but that are several that can make a big difference when it comes to inflamed and sore skin.


Here are a few of my skin-loving favourites:

Green Tea

Is there anything that green tea can’t do? Not really! Packed full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it truly is a health elixir for skin.

Green tea is also a natural source of caffeine, but unlike other caffeinated drinks, it has a more positive effect on your skin health. This is because it contains a compound that deactivates stress hormones in the body. Fewer hormones means less stress on the liver, and happier skin.

A lot of people think green tea is bitter, but there’s a trick you need to know. If you use boiling water on green tea, it will bring out the bitterness. But if you add in about 20% cold water first, then add the hot water, it will bring out the more delicate flavour.

Nettle Tea

Nettle has a host of skin benefits, with a history of both topical and internal use. It is packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect your skin. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory that soothes sore, red complexions.

It also acts as a natural anti-histamine, meaning that it can help your body reduce allergic and intolerance related reactions. If there’s an allergy at the root of your skin issues, you can bet that nettle tea will help relieve your symptoms.

Nettle tea is an acquired taste – it’s not unpleasant, but unusual. It has a deep and earthy flavour that can be incredibly refreshing hot or cold. If you need, you can add a couple of drops of stevia for a bit of sweetness.

Peppermint Tea

Does your tummy bother you regularly? If your digestive system is on the sluggish or irritable side, that can translate to skin issues. Luckily, peppermint tea can improve your digestive function and soothe inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract.

Peppermint is also thought to slightly boost your estrogen levels and quench excess androgen hormones like testosterone. This means that if your skin problems are hormonal in nature, it can naturally relieve some of your symptoms.

Peppermint tea is incredibly refreshing, with a strong minty flavour that gives you fresh breath for hours. It’s ideal for a morning when you need something to perk you up, or after a heavy meal to aid in digestion.

Dandelion Tea

Skin health is more than skin deep, which is why dandelion is so helpful. Its main therapeutic action is supporting your liver function. This means that it can help to clear out any excess hormones and other toxins that might be flaring up your skin.

Dandelion also supports digestion by stimulating bile production, so you can extract more nutrition from the foods you consume. The more essential nutrients you can absorb, the happier your skin will look and feel. 

Dandelion tea can be a little on the bitter side, making it a favourite for coffee lovers. However, you can blend it in with other teas, such as chai, to balance out the bitterness and make it more palatable. If you need to, add a couple of drops of stevia to sweeten it up.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is often used topically to soothe inflamed skin, but there’s no reason why it can’t do the same if you drink it! It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that draw the heat out of sore skin, encouraging it to heal.

As a bonus, if you save your tea-bags and allow them to cool, you can then pop them straight over your eyes to relieve any irritation or puffiness.

Chamomile has a delicate flavour, although you may prefer to sweeten it with stevia to start with. It’s perfect for the end of a long hard day at work, or even as a sleep aid consumed about 30 minutes before bed. You will have a deeper, more restful sleep, and your skin will thank you for it.


So if gorgeous, glowing skin is the aim of your game, pop the kettle on and get brewing!











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