Cortisone Treatment - Cystic Acne

When used to treat acne, cortisone is injected directly into the affected area, where it starts to reduce inflammation right away. Healing of deep acne begins immediately after injection.


Cortisone Treatment

Cortisone injections are used to treat severe and sustained deep-tissue acne. Severe acne may include cysts or nodules that develop on the face or other areas. Nodules are large, painful, solid lesions lodged deep within the skin. Cysts are deep, painful, pus-filled lesions. They are often difficult to clear up with common acne treatments such as topical medications. Deep-tissue acne can be painful and last for months. If left untreated, it can cause permanent scarring. Cortisone injections provide fast and effective relief.

This treatment can be used for cystic acne on the face and body. Multiple cysts can be treated in one session.

$40 for 1 cystic acne nodule

$20 for any additional nodules (within same session)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of cortisone injections?

Injected cortisone penetrates more deeply than just the top layer of skin, making it much more effective than topical solutions in treating cystic acne infection, and preventing scars from forming.

Are there any side effects?

The side effects of cortisone injections are minimal. The most common side effect, atrophy of the fatty tissue around the injection site that results in a slight depression in the skin, is temporary. In some cases, skin takes several months to return to normal. Immediately following an injection, the skin may swell slightly, but this quickly goes away. In dark-skinned people, a small white spot may appear at the injection site, but this, too, disappears soon afterward. There is almost no risk of allergic reaction because cortisone is naturally produced by the body.

What does the procedure consist of?

When used to treat acne, cortisone is injected directly into the affected area, where it starts to reduce inflammation right away. Healing of deep-tissue acne begins immediately after injection. The cortisone injection itself can hurt when placed into an already painful cyst or nodule. In those cases, a local anesthetic may be applied to numb the skin before giving the injection.

Multiple treatments of the same area are not needed because cortisone produces results immediately.


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